In the Czech language the stress is always on the first syllable.
The length or shortness of a vowel may change the meaning of a word.
č is pronounced as "tsh" as in "check" or "Czech"
ě is pronounced approximately as "ye" as in "yes"
š is pronounced as "sh" as in "fisher"
Yes - Ano
No - Ne
Please - Prosím
Thank you - Dĕkuji / Dĕkuju
Good morning/afternoon! - Dobrý den!
Good evening! - Dobrý večer!
Good night! – Dobrou noc!
Good bye! – na shledanou!
Hi/Hello – Ahoj!
Check/Bill please! - Účet, prosím!
Open - Otevřeno
Closed - Zavřeno
Have you got...? - Máte...?
How much is this? – Kolik to stoji?
What's the time? – Kolik je hodin?
Where is… - Kde je…
Where is the toilet? – Kde je záchod?
I don't understand you. – Já Vám nerozumím.
I only speak Czech a little. – Mluvím jenom trochu česky.
Help! – Pomoc!
0 - nula
1 - jeden, jedna, jedno
2 – dva, dvě
3 – tři
4 - čtyři
5 – pět
6 – šest
7 – sedm
8 – osm
9 – devět
10 – deset
Monday - Pondělí
Tuesday - Úterý
Wednesday - Středa
Thursday - Čtvrtek
Friday - Pátek
Saturday - Sobota
Sunday - Neděle